- 它有助于提高对教师职业的赞赏,并为课堂拨款筹集资金.
- You can directly impact students by exposing them to the business or culinary world.
- It’s fun and rewarding for business professionals, community leaders, and teachers!
- 当你将STEM技能与现实世界的应用联系起来时,学生们认为主题是重要和必要的, the impact of good credit scores in renting an apartment).
- 公立学校的捍卫者可以直接了解教室,并发现为什么我们需要支持AG亚游集团官方网站公立学校.
- Miami-Dade County Public Schools is the third largest school district in the United States, 由476所学校组成, 331,500名学生,超过20名,000教育工作者.
- 许多学生生活在高度贫困地区, making 100% of students in M-DCPS eligible for federal food aid.
- Only 4 out of 10 students from schools in high-poverty areas go on to postsecondary education, reducing an annual earnings potential by more than $32,000.
- Your participation in the Teach-A-Thon serves as a tangible support system for our teachers, further helping us recruit and retain the best for our students.
- Teaching quality is the single greatest determinant of student achievement.
- Nearly one-third of new teachers leave the profession after just three years; almost 50% are gone after five years.
- 10位教师中有9位用自己的钱为教室购买学习用品(平均自付费用总计800美元).
Funds raised support a variety of programs, including:
- “一教一松”课堂补助金为教师提供资金,以发展和实施激励和挑战学生学习的教学项目.
SmartPath: Currently in 5 Miami-Dade County public high schools, 作为国家示范项目的一部分,SmartPath已经将学生的大学和高等教育入学率提高了34%.
For sponsorship opportunities or more info, contact:
Marilen Marnett, 305.975.0507 or mmarnett@dincomm.com